The fiction A Tale of Towers explores what the future of Belgrade and its 177 hectares of Waterfront development might hold in the decades to come. At the centre of its four scenarios is...
With the Land and Water Co-operative (LAWC, Glasgow), STEALTH have been working on instituting an economy of land, as commons, in the Glasgow Canal Area. This area – a remarkable mix of derelict...
Following two years of pondering over it, writing, rewriting, and finally putting it all together, our book Upscaling, Training, Commoning is out! It has been an adventure to bring this exploration –...
THE REPORT is a future fiction that confronts the technology-driven Smart City Vienna with the hard work of Viennese citizens and social movements throughout history. It challenges many of the assumptions about...
How will the 18th Vienna Biennale of 2049 resurrect the voices of the citizens’ initiatives that have appeared in Vienna during the last 130 years? THE REPORT sheds light on how the...
Some fifty years ago, the neighbourhood of Tensta (Stockholm) has been rolled out as part of a daring and breathtaking re-make of Swedish society. Half a century later, its prospects remain unfulfilled,...
Once Upon a Future is an imaginary fast-forward to a possible Bordeaux in 2030 – the target year by which the city today projects to reach the magic number of one million...
The nouvelle Once Upon a Future, in English and French (pdf) is a fictional account of a possible utopia for Bordeaux in 2030, inspired by citizen’s initiatives. It is the literary (written) part of...
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