The fiction A Tale of Towers explores what the future of Belgrade and its 177 hectares of Waterfront development might hold in the decades to come. At the centre of its four scenarios is...
With the Land and Water Co-operative (LAWC, Glasgow), STEALTH have been working on instituting an economy of land, as commons, in the Glasgow Canal Area. This area – a remarkable mix of derelict...
In a joint initiative with City in the Making and Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto we have been delving into mutual support structures and economic spaces that can lend our lives a different basis and more resilient horizon. The resulting UNIDEE...
For the last week we have been running one of the new UNIDEE modules at Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, titled Where Imagination Slips into Reality. Starting from our own work and expanding projects developed by...
[05 -09 November 2012] As part of the post-master program “In search of Common Ground” we have set up at the Royal Art Institute (KKH, Stockholm) a group of architects, planners, journalists...
[15 – 19 October 2012, Zagreb and Pula] With the post-master program “In search of Common Ground” we have set up at the Royal Art Institute (KKH, Stockholm) a year-long investigation on...
[from 20 September 2012, Royal Art Academy KKH, Stockholm] STEALTH and Henrietta Palmer (head of the Architecture department of KKH) have jointly developed ‘In Search of Common Ground’, a year-long professional post-master...
[11 – 20 November 2008, BARD college, Curatorial studies program, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY] This semester we were invited to teach at CCS BARD, within the course on Spatial Practices: Space and Power. Within...
[19 April – 14 June 2007, TU Delft] Tools for Urban Action is a project focusing on urban interventions characterized as temporary, made by minimal means or use of on-site possibilities and...
[January – March 2007] STEALTH will lead a thematic project at Piet Zwart Institute – Media Design (Rotterdam) in collaboration with Kristian Lukic ( new media collective in Novi Sad / Eastwood...
[April – June 2006] ROTTERDAM CS: MAKING AND BREAKING UNIFIED MODEL, explores the massive urban reconstruction of the Central Station area in Rotterdam. The project models the actors and their strategies towards...
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